Charles H. Cussac
ESSEC: Master's Degree in International Business Law and Management
Master's Degree in Tax Law (University of Paris I)
Master's Degree in Foreign Trade Law (University of Paris I)
Institut National de Langues et Civilisation Orientales: DULCO in Korean
Sworn in on 15 January 2004
After a year spent in the finance department of Keolis and a first collaboration as a tax lawyer at Taj, a law firm member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Charles-Henri Cussac joined the firm, which now offers a new area of expertise with tax law. His dual training in law and business administration brings a new dimension to the support of companies in difficulty.
Charles-Henri Cussac develops a systematically transversal approach to the cases and projects entrusted to him, taking into consideration, in addition to the legal issues, their tax, managerial, economic and risk management dimensions.
- chc@cabinet-cussac.fr
- +33 1 44 29 71 71
Working languages
French - English